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According to the rules set by COPE, all the journals go through strict scrutiny. Once an expert editor is assigned to check your work, they reserve the right to decide which article of all the articles submitted has to be published. The editor keeps a strict measure of copyright and legal issues and also plagiarism issues while checking the articles. We publish it immediately once the article meets all the set guidelines.
Articles published in a specific journal will remain online for an infinite period of time. Once approved, there will be no change in the articles, it will remain unaltered, but a specific article must be withdrawn or removed from a journal under some circumstances. This occurs very rarely, but it must not be taken lightly.
The circumstances under which retracting or withdrawal policy is followed:
In case an article breaches any ethical code the article is withdrawn from the journal.
The editor reserves the sole right to decide what to do with the article in such cases. The editor can decide to withdraw the article from the specific journal.
The article will be removed immediately from the journal if the editorial team finds any tampering with data or use of false or inaccurate data. It is not accepted that kind of practice from the author's side and will be treated with strict action. The primary goal of such actions is to preserve absolute honesty and to publish the correct information related to any journal.
Conflicts of interest occur when there are some external conflicts relevant to the manuscript's objectivity. These types of problems can arise at any time while the author is writing the book, during the experimentation process or during the study phase. It may also take place during the process of the manuscript's publication. The article will not be prohibited from being published in a journal by this sort of dispute. The phase of review can still proceed. A statement of potential conflicts, however, may make it easier for the author to work and the editor to check. Conflicts related to authors-You can report the same when sending your article if you have a biased notion concerning your manuscript. Otherwise, for the editors, it would build a problem. You may be asked by the editors to make those modifications. To disrespect your notion, this is not done, but the editor will try to shield you from unfair criticism. If you are reluctant and do not want to announce your idea of prejudice, note if it is discovered after publication, then there will be further trouble. Conflict of interest will result in the journal's retraction of your paper.