Email: info@ijps.in | Mob: +91-9555269393
e-ISSN: 2455-6270; p-ISSN: 2455-7455
It is published by IJPS Publication.
First issue of IJPS was published in 2016.
Authors can submit the manuscript anytime by online Submission or can e-mail the manuscripts at info@ijps.in. It will be published in forthcoming issue, if accepted.
You can find the Manuscript Template in DOWNLOAD menu.
You can find the Copyright form in DOWNLOAD menu.
Submit your manuscript electronically through online submission or email to info@ijps.in or WhatsApp to +91-9555269393. To submit a manuscript electronically you need to convert your files to MS-Word format (.doc or .docx extension).
Yes, you can submit more than one paper for the same issue.
Paper submissions are normally acknowledged within 24 hours. In case the author do not receive any acknowledgment for a submitted paper, an email can be sent to info@ijps.in
Minimum 5 pages and Maximum 15 pages are allowed.
Yes, at present, maximum of FIVE authors are allowed per paper.
Like many other scientific publishers, the IJPS requires authors to provide transfer of copyright prior to publication. This permits IJPS to publish the article and to defend against improper use i.e. publishing in other journals. It also permits IJPS to mount the article online and to use the article in other forms or media. By the IJPS transfer agreement, the authors retain substantial rights in the work.
The review of articles is done through a double-blind peer review. All the articles received by IJPS are sent to Review Committee after deleting the name of the author to have an unbiased opinion about the research. For more details, please Click Here.
Papers not approved on the first evaluation phase are send back to authors either for significant revisions or subject to full reject. In case, an article is not approved (major revision required), we strongly recommend authors to revise and adopt the reviewer's recommendations and re-submit. There is a limit of 3 review rounds of each submitted article.
To ensure continued assessment of the strengths and shortcomings of the articles, updated papers are submitted to the reviewers concerned. When we receive the reviewer's reviews and suggestions, authors are notified about the publication decision.
Journal does not accept paper that having plagiarized contents. Good quality plagiarism software/ tool (Turnitin / iThenticate) will be used to check similarity that would not be more than 20% including reference section. In the case of exclusion of references, it should be less than 15%. For more details, please Click Here.
No, you have to send full length paper for review process.
Of Course. Author will receive a link to download the publication certificate immediately after publication.
Yes, all the papers published by IJPS are available to download for free. We are here to support the Open Access.
IJPS is an semi-annual journal. It publishes two issues per year.
All published papers are normally indexed within 2-3 weeks from the date of publication and thereafter should normally be visible on the Web within 15-20 days.
Papers published in IJPS are citeable using the title, name of the author and publication date.
If author write us within 24 hour(s) then changes are possible. Please email a copy of the published paper and MS word file of your paper. Please mark yellow background which you want to change/ correct. Please write your 'paper ID and correction is needed' in subject area of the email.
Yes, you can use it but you have to mark as a reference.
We welcome applications to join the Reviewers Committee. The possible reviewers have to send their resumes to info@ijps.in or can apply online directly.
We welcome applications to join the Editorial Board/Advisory Board. The possible members have to send their resumes at info@ijps.in or can apply online directly.
Kindly send a mail to info@ijps.in