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Laiba Rahman

Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

4 - 12
Vol. 9, Jan-Jun, 2020
Receiving Date: 2019-11-05
Acceptance Date: 2020-01-03
Publication Date: 2020-02-18
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There is a requirement for a computerized legal sciences way to tackle crime investigation cases dependent on PCs and cell phones, which includes progressed to modern advanced abuse of frameworks. Automated crime scene investigation is consistently a high-level field as a vocation in criminology with the ascent of laws that can assume responsibility for legitimate cases and PC innovation that is becoming everywhere. This paper concentrates on significant procedures utilized over conventional Hard Drive circles and overhauled methods required over Solid-State Drives to perform computerized legal sciences examination. The Solid States Drives brings another test into the field of computerized criminology trained professionals. SSD is effectively open, and for some reason, it is utilized as an ordinary hard circle yet commonly quicker and with the HDD's and needs exceptionally low force use. Yet, a Solid-state drive isn't different from hard plate innovation; it is an innovation that copies the conduct of a hard circle. Acquiring adequate data from Solid State Drives (SSD) is a difficult measurable task. SSD's perhaps erase the proof ordinarily, and surprisingly after disinfection of SSDs, they might recuperate information.

Keywords: Solid States Drives (SSDs); forensic analysis; TRIM

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