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Prachi Juneja

Sri Guru Gobind Singh College Of Commerce, University Of Delhi, New Delhi, India

34 - 40
Vol. 8, Jul-Dec, 2019
Receiving Date: 2019-06-02
Acceptance Date: 2019-08-01
Publication Date: 2019-08-10
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Natural disasters like earthquake, landslides, and tsunami can harm humanity. Avalanches present critical financial dangers to zones whose topography favours them. Humans can't prevent this damage, yet via careful arranging and emergency steps of spreading alert, we can regularly reduce the outcomes of these catastrophes. Late innovative advances in correspondence medium made a recent trend in the intelligent framework. The existing avalanche observing strategies and methods describes massive restrictions in specialized terms (quality and recurrence of information) and convenience (high gathered expenses, a prerequisite of high expertise).In this work, we present an inventive avalanche checking framework that uses cutting edge WSN techniques. The primary motivation behind this is to carry out a robotized avalanche area framework for recognizing avalanche. This task plans to identify avalanche at the underlying stage. If any avalanche happens, an alarm message crafts off the concerned specialists and individuals in the prone regions. The data about the avalanche event and observing water level, earthquake using sensors, and producing ready signs when the qualities pass the pre-characterized boundary give the sensors. The framework comprises self-ruling detecting devices outfitted with a sensor suite explicitly customized for checking avalanches. It additionally incorporates a public location (PA) framework to communicate the message to nearby individuals. The module can likewise send the climate condition to the android client. The transmission scope of LoRa modules made by us was positive, giving us the security that this innovation is steady and prepared for use in organizations of significant distance sensors. This application will be convenient to the local area and be an essential preliminary activity to save numerous lives.

Keywords: remote sensing network; landslides; Drought Forecast and Alert System (DFAS)

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