The Role of Financial Behavior in Economic Decision-Making: An Applied Study in Iraqi Private Exchange Financial Companies
Ziad Najim Abed
Business administration dept., Imam Al-Kadhim College (IKC)- Iraq
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The impact of financial conduct on economic decision-making within private exchange finance firms in Iraq is examined in this paper. Particularly in fast-growing financial sectors like Iraq, financial behavior is studied as a crucial determinant of choices in economic settings. This study investigates the conduct of financial decision-makers within Iraqi private exchange firms, influencing general decision-making procedures and results. The sample from the Iraq Stock Exchange consists of a reasonable collection of private exchange financial firms actively engaged in the Iraqi financial scene. The findings show a favorable link between economic decision-making and financial behavior. More importantly, it was discovered that financial practices like risk assessment, information processing, and market prediction significantly affect decision-making, producing more positive economic results for these businesses. Understanding and evaluating these actions can help financial managers make more strategic and informed choices, promoting increased market stability and expansion. Expanding research on the Iraq Stock Exchange to encompass more thorough investigations across other kinds of financial organizations is one of the main suggestions of the paper. This more all-encompassing approach might help better grasp how different sectors' financial practices differ and provide a more thorough knowledge of how to improve Iraq's developing financial systems' decision-making process. The research emphasizes the need to encourage a more complex approach to financial behavior analysis to enhance the decision-making frameworks within the Iraqi banking industry.
financial behavior; Economic Decision-Making; Iraq
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