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The Role of Performance Evaluation in Reducing Oil Losses: Field Research in the Two Companies of the Middle Refineries and Oil Products Distribution Company

Mohanad Kudham Salman

Oil Products Distribution Company, Ph.D. Public Administration, Iraq

141 - 155
Vol.17, Jan-Jun, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-01-30
Acceptance Date: 2024-03-09
Publication Date: 2024-03-18
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The idea of the research came in conducting a field research for the companies of the oil sector, including the Oil Products Distribution Company and the Middle Refineries Company, given the importance of this organization primarily in refining crude oil and distributing oil derivatives through supply outlets. And the delivery of these products to the citizen and meet the economic needs of the country in general, where the research can focus on two types of oil losses: the first: either within the permissible natural proportions and in accordance with international standards. The second: It is outside those permissible percentages, and is considered a real loss, either for technical or administrative reasons, or due to the poor performance of the companies concerned, which requires a real pause to preserve natural resources, and it is a right. future generations. We are interested in finding weaknesses in activities by evaluating performance in the oil industry.

Keywords: performance evaluation; oil losses; strategic alternatives; efficiency; effectiveness

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