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Energy Conservation for Mobile Cellular Systems Through Site Optimization: Base Transceivers Station Optimization

Basim Abdulkareem Farhan

Department of Computer Techniques Engineering-Imam Al-Kadhum College, Iraq

1 - 8
Vol.17, Jan-Jun, 2024
Receiving Date: 2023-11-12
Acceptance Date: 2024-01-02
Publication Date: 2024-01-08
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Mobile communication systems have cemented their position as a vital and practical tool for communication that supports productive corporate operations. The energy use of wireless access networks has grown to be a significant economic and environmental problem , The potential for utilizing the conserved energy was highlighted along with techniques that may boost energy efficiency in this paper's investigation of the energy consumption of base transceivers stations (BTS). Analysis of the data reveals that by optimizing 60 BTS's, the energy consumption decreases by 36.83% with 127.4MWh of monthly reserve. This is equivalent to powering 35 additional BTS's with a demand of 3.64224MWh or 69 homes for a daily power supply of 10 hours with a demand of 1.8452MWh and 440 homes with a total demand of 289.8KWh.

Keywords: Base Transceivers Station (BTS); power usage; energy efficiency

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